Look, I mean, it could have been worse, sure, but good riddance all the same, 2018, you dodgy bastard.
2018 has been a somewhat trying year for Body Bonbon both emotionally and financially. It started out okay but then it kinda went to shit, quick. *shakes fist*
As some of you may be aware, earlier in the year a relatively well-known business ripped off one of my original designs and, being that they are well-known, their copy went viral all over social media, as did their video on how the product is made. Cos, apparently, ripping it off wasn’t quite shitty enough. To say I was annoyed by this would be an understatement.
A short while later a small business, owned by someone who frequents the same cosmetics groups as myself, also went viral with her copy of my design. She was the first person to openly, blatantly rip off the design in the bath bombing groups and was a catalyst for other members to begin copying it themselves. When people would praise the design and compliment her on her crafting skills, she would thank them, neglecting to mention the fact that she had simply copied another crafter’s product. She was told many times that the design was mine, and was well aware I didn’t like her copying it, yet she persisted, even going so far as to complain in groups that she was being unfairly persecuted by people pointing out her design theft. When group members would ask her how the product was made she would happily explain – essentially teaching other people exactly how to rip off a design that wasn’t hers in the first place. So you can probably imagine how upset I was to find out her lack of creativity and total disregard for my feelings in the matter had been rewarded – her business had literally become successful overnight thanks to my design. How a person can be proud of something like that, I can’t even begin to understand.
While I was incredibly disheartened by this turn of events I wasn’t entirely surprised. I had actually anticipated this scenario over two years ago during a conversation with a friend after an occasion where this person had shared her copied products in the groups:

Ha… ha… ha. Sigh.

By this stage my designs have gone viral three times, which is pretty impressive. Unfortunately they’ve never gone viral for me. It hasn’t been easy sitting back and watching all of this unfold while my business struggles to turn a profit. Don’t get me wrong, I would happily continue creating bath products while making little profit (though it would be very nice if my business could pay my household bills, let’s be real now).
The thing that really kills my desire to create, though, is watching others succeed by copying my designs. I’m all for supporting my fellow crafters and wishing them success in their endeavours, but if you have to blatantly copy someone else’s designs in order to get there, as far as I’m concerned, you don’t deserve a place in any creative community.
In other news, after spending half of 2018 trying to find a second job and realising that, despite my many years running businesses, I was basically too old and “unskilled” to be hirable (lol, yay), I decided to edumacate myself. Once my study & training is done next year, the plan is to enter the “real” (pfft) workforce and hopefully start making the kind of money that can pay my bills & support my family. fingers crossed. I am not entirely sure what this will mean for Body Bonbon, but I’ve decided to cross that bridge when I come to it because dwelling on it is kind of pointless at this stage.
I still have hope for 2019 where Body Bonbon is concerned, I haven’t given up entirely. Let’s just say that I’ve just put the rose coloured glasses aside for now but she’s definitely still a priority.
I changed web hosts over a week ago and have been working at rebuilding the website since then. I’m pretty sure it’s working properly, I just have to test the purchasing side of things before we go live in Jan. It’s much nicer looking and more responsive – looks better on mobiles & devices. The only hiccup I can think of is that previous customers will have to re-register on the new site, but overall, I think this new site will just run better in general. I’m really happy with it and I hope you all like it as well.
I’m going to spend as much time as I can before we re-open to restock products and work on some new ones that I’ve had on the back-burner for years – some of which I’ve already talked about in this blog. I’m hoping that the new products will light that creative spark in me again.
Anyway, I’m waffling. I do need to thank all of you who have supported me this past year, so thank you, thank you, thank you. Your continued support has meant more than you realise, and is the main reason this business still exists. I truly appreciate it and, on those days where my motivation is low and I am running on empty, you keep me crafting. An extra thanks goes out to those of you who have purchased from me purely to support the original designer of the products you have seen copies of on the net. An extra, extra thanks goes to those of you in other countries who chose to support me, despite the fact it would cost you exorbitant amounts of shipping to do so. You’re all totes amazing and I love your fayses.

I will be running a giveaway soon. I know I mentioned months ago that I was going to start doing monthly drawings for customers but nothing ever came of it. I will follow up on it soon! Probs Jan.
In the meantime, I wish you all a happy xmas or happy festivus or whatever it is that you celebrate. For those of you going on holiday, I hope you have a safe and most fabulously relaxing time.
I look forward to doing business with all of you in 2019.
Thanks bunches for your support,
Big love,

I just wanted to say I’m so sorry all the happened, it’s total bs to say the least & I really admire your determination to keep going.
Also please let us-your supporters-know what we can do (on top of buying your products obviously) to most powerfully help you. Because we all want you to keep on keeping on, for our bath tubs’ sake as well as yours!!!
All the best x